Trendy Therapy Persuasive Speech

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Welcome to TT; Trendy Therapy. Therapy for the young and the hipsters because everyone knows mental illnesses are in this season! Our proud slogan is: “Are you feeling mentally ill? Don’t worry cause we got your pill!” Want to schedule a session? Call us at 1-800-stressed, depressed, but well dressed! Did Drake’s album, If Your Reading This Its Too Late, turn you into a sobbing mess on the floor? Did a dreamy picture of Luke Hemmings make you want to commit suicide? Oh no! You must have depression!! Wait a second don’t get too sad, Because now you can get that printed on a t-shirt! But if you have no money, and then post about it along with a story of your ‘mental breakdown’. Breakdowns in the girls bathroom aren’t as cute as people make …show more content…

Now go tell all your friends that you've been diagnosed! Bye hun! Let’s take one last call shall we? Doctor… can you help me? it's be difficult been for me… Ever since the season finale of Pretty Little Liars everything's different… Usually every morning I go to Starbucks and get a venti latte but now I can only handle a tall! Oh my how horrible, you must have Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder! Now remember that's P-T-S-D, have fun telling the internet! Bye now. Sometimes I feel so bad for the kids getting diagnosed, But only if they are white. Because don't forget what the news and media has taught us if a black person shoots up a school He is are just another ghetto hood rat. If an arabian man shoots up a school, He’s a terrorist! But if a white man shoots up a school, he has a mental illness, so it's alright. Anyways, here's a helpful tip! Don’t tell your family: You hate them already. Don’t tell your teachers: they’ll tell you to hide it. And don’t tell your friends: because they’ll never understand. Thanks for watching and remember: “Are you feeling mentally ill? Don’t worry cause we got your pill!” Welcome to Trendy Therapy, May I take your

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