Traumatic Stress Disorder In The Lucky One Staring Zac Efron

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In the film, The Lucky One staring Zac Efron, he portrays a story about a man named Logan who suffers from extreme Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. This illness affects “ about 7.7 million people aged eighteen or older, whom encounter this disorder annually. The median age of onset is twenty-three years old” (Cockerham, p.35). Nonetheless, this disorder is very common among men who leave for war. It can be diagnosed by trauma through “ recollections, dreams, and nightmares” (Cockerham p.35). He witnesses many traumatic, such as death with many of his mates, gunfire shots directly towards him, and other mind-altering events. He was only serving in Iraq in the marines for 3 terms, and luckily he made it out safely. While abroad he wandered off and found a photograph of a women while he was on base. This photo saved his life because when he ventured off, the whole base went aflame, killing all left behind. After being released from his service, he returned back to his home in North Carolina. While he’s home, the most sudden noises trigger him to be anxious causing sudden flashbacks of the fire. Logan decides to not get help for …show more content…

This is regarding his family’s way of helping him recover versus his idea of recovery. He finds that just acting like it did not happen is the best approach to forgetting all the losses. Although, Logan is against the idea of getting help, but his family pushes him into it because they know it is best for him. When he was staying with his sister for a few days, he nearly attacked his sister’s children because they snuck up on him while he was sleeping. This reminded him of always being on guard while at war. He also started to panic when he heard gunshots from a video game. This almost swirled him into a panic. Because of this, his actions to these responses show that he is still very much attached to the disgrace of

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