Traumatic Experiences In Stephen King's It

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Stephen King’s novel IT, takes place in Derry, Maine and focuses on the experiences of seven children who are constantly terrorized by a demonic entity known as It. It is an entity of unknown origin and preys on Derry’s population every 27 years. One of the many powers that It has is the ability to shapeshift typically taking form of a man dressed as a clown known as Pennywise the Dancing Clown. The novel takes place in 1957-1958 and 1984-1985 when in the 50’s they are kids and in the 80’2 when they are adults. The losers club is composed of seven children. William Denbrough is the leader of the group. Next is Ben Hanscom, who is a very intelligent boy: Beverly Marsh is the only girl in the group and is described as very pretty. Richie Tozier …show more content…

A message i found in this book, is that traumatic experiences in childhood could recur again and again as adults. This means that if someone has a traumatic experience, then it is more often than not going to happen again. An example of the is when Eddie married the extremely protective and easily worried woman. This is a recurring example of traumatic childhood experiences because his mother was very protective. This shows that traumatic experiences most likely repeat themselves over and over again. Addition, this showed me that if people are exposed to something that intense, it is most likely going to repeat. Another example King uses in his book of this exact same theme is when the losers club go to fight Pennywise two times. Finally, one of the more obvious themes is the ability to overcome great evil with great sacrifice and mutual trust. For example, the first time they defeat Pennywise, they create a blood oath creating a mutual bond, only death can part. The second time they all fight Pennywise, It rips off Eddie’s arm killing him of blood loss. Also, when they are done with It, all of their scars from the blood oath are gone. In conclusion, as a reader, I have learned the lessons taught by Stephen King in his novel

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