Transference And Psychology: A Case Study

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In Corey (2016) and Psychology Today (2012) defines transference as unconsciously retained feelings and desires from childhood both positive and negative that makes us react towards an object or person from the past. Transference is experiencing those unconscious thoughts or memories from the past to the present. In therapy, the client may experience unconscious positive or negative feelings towards the therapist. These feelings become real to the client and help them understand the problems they are experiencing which can be issues or traumas from the past. The client may relive those experiences and may react towards the therapist as if he or she was that person or object that have been causing them to experience fear, anxiety, and love problems. The client may become aggressive towards the therapist or feel love if he or she reminds them of a significant other. The therapist needs to work through with the client to resolve these issues and help them understand the reasons they are experiencing these feelings. The therapist will help the client understand and accept their behaviors that are a result of the client's unconscious past. The client will be …show more content…

It is the past experiences and feelings the therapist may have and are reflected towards the client during therapy. The therapist may respond cold, annoyed, and anger towards the client. Further, it is recommended for the therapist to discover their own unconscious feelings and overcome them by a humility which creates a healing process to strengthen the therapeutic alliance with their client. Not all countertransferences are unconscious feelings towards the client, some countertransference will help the therapist identify and gather information about the client's

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