Tragic Hero In Mark Haddon's Curious Incident

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In this novel the main character is also the author; Christopher John Francis Boone is fifteen years old boy who has Asperger’s. The author of CI, Mark Haddon has not at all try to make this book about Asperger’s. In the article When Popular Novel Haddon says, “Curious Incident is not a book about Asperger’s, it is a novel whose central character describes himself as a mathematician with some behavioral disorders” (3). As the novel unfolds, you grasp what Haddon meant Christopher is not a normal child, he relays on patterns, graphs, and tables. He hungers things to be simple and start forward. This inspiring boy refers himself to be a mathematician and have a very clear disgusts towards lying. In this novel the characters can be characterized, …show more content…

Christopher explains why he is fixated on prime numbers, “Prime numbers are what is left when you have taken all the patterns away” (Haddon 15). This quote explains why Christopher is passionate about prime number, he simply likes the pattern. A second obvious thing about Christopher is that he despises lying, he explains why he hates lying, "This is another reason why I don’t like proper novels they are lies about things which didn’t happen and they make me feel sick and scared and this is why everything written in here is true" (Haddon 25). All these things make Christopher a very interesting main character and author. Chirstophers mind works in many weird ways. He relays on recurring symbols to make his day …show more content…

The article Developmental Disability states that Christopher, “is a victim of his father lies” (214). The innocent fifteen-year-old boy sees it as his father betraying him. A pronounced example of this is when Christopher finds out about his mother. He was looking for his book in his father’s room when he found a numerous amount of letters from his mother. Christopher first feels betrayed and belittled since his father lied to him. Then feeling threatened, he came to a solution, he can’t trust his father. A quote from the novel explains how he felt about his father after the whole ordeal with the letters, "I had to get out of the house, father has murdered Wellington that meant he could murder me I couldn’t trust him, even though he said trust me but I couldn’t he told a lie" (Haddon 122). This quote explains how essential telling the truth is to him. Christopher then later runs away to find is mother. His father, who never backs down goes over and tries to apologize to Christopher. He enters his room and Christopher is terrified. Christopher explains who he feels, "And father came in my room but, I was holding my Swiss Army knife with the blade out in case he grabbed" (Haddon 197). Christopher is, because his father lied to

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