Christopher I Like Dog

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Have you ever considered that christopher could not function as a person? Without math Chris would just fall apart due to insanity, but the way Haddon looks at it Chris uses it to concentrate on a certain thing. The thing is Chris would not be able to function as a human without math and earplugs. The reason Chris has an obsession with math is because it's his only a way to understand people and things.”I Like dogs” and “I find people confusing” The reason Chris likes dogs is because the human brain is so much more complex than dogs that Chris has a higher likelihood of making a decision that the dog will like and this will allow him to practice guessing what people are thinking but on a dog. The fact that Christopher is practicing with dogs shows he wants to insure the highest likelihood of success. This shows he is working things out …show more content…

For example when things get to loud he will stop and moans until he has calmed down. When exposed to noisy places like a subway, which is around 80 dB, he retreats to his safe place. With a know breaking point of 80 dB he wouldn’t be able to mow his lawn. The average lawn mower is 100dB. This would mean that he couldn’t live in a city because it's almost always 100 dB. Alone traffic is 85 dB not mentioning everything else. One of the ways he could help is with white noise. Which he does use by putting radios that are in between channels so that he lessions to the static. Well this helps alittle. The way white noise works is that it has you focus more on the static than the other noises so you are not processing as much but this does not stop the higher dB sounds because your ear uses the pressure waves to let you hear. Well the higher dB will just hit over the constant static that you hear. With this the lowest sound you can hear being the static that you’re shoving in your ear this makes you eardrum move less and damaging it

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