Tragedy Theory Of Disability

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INTRODUCTION: In this paper, I have attempted to establish the concept of ‘disability’ as a constructed one and how associated notions of disability results into people with disabilities being marginalized and oppressed. The identity of a disabled cut across the boundaries of race, class, caste and gender and tends to shift these groups to the corners of the society. The term ‘disability’ in itself holds the negative and discriminatory connotations that lead to further prejudiced and stereotypes against the disabled people in the society. The paper starts with introduction to the term disability. I go on with describing related meaning and understanding of the term and how it connotes a negative implication for the group. The historical and …show more content…

This theory takes the biological deterministic perspective of human variation and separates or categorizes people on the basis of biomedical condition through use of diagnostic categories. Such medicalisation casted human variation as a deviance from the norm, a pathological condition as a deficit and significantly an individual burden and personal tragedy. According to them, individual needs medical fixing and thus disability becomes a natural product of impairment. The bio-sociality notion that guided the medical paradigm objectified and categorized people as sick or healthy, mad or sane, and justified hierarchical standard for treating some bodies as “abnormal” and “inferior”. In simpler words , human body was standardized in the medical field and whoever or whichever body does not matched the standard was considered to be “abnormal” and hence in need of repair or fixing to bring it back to the “normal” standards and there disability becomes the natural implication of such abnormalities and thus follows the discriminatory attitudes and behavior. Impaired were to be considered as social problem and targeted to captive treatments. To the extent disability policies rely on disability-as-individual-problem framework, they marginalize the possibility of more enabling methods of human welfare that are based on participation, social integration and equal citizenship

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