Traditional Family Beliefs in Ancient and Modern China

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Historically, the Chinese have considered the family as the basic unit of society. Familial principles such as obedience, loyalty, and kinship have been cherished in all states. In premodern China, many philosophers discussed their own beliefs about family. Confucius and other philosophers defined that an exemplary family was the one in which parents cared about their children, and children obeyed their parents. The Analects of Confucius discusses filiality, a traditional obedience to parents and ancestors, as its central theme. When an individual understands the concept of filiality and practices it, he can establish his moral way of behaving. Deference to elders in a family is considered the roots for accomplishing one’s comprehensive ethics. In the Han dynasty, filial piety was a political ideal as well as a familial virtue. Thus, emphasis on this familial virtue increased significantly. Confucius argued that filial piety begins with serving one’s parents and continues with serving the emperor. Being obedient to one’s parents was a prerequisite to being loyal to the emperor. On th...

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