Tracey Morgan Case

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When comedian Tracey Morgan was involved in a terrible accident on the New Jersey Turnpike, he know that he needed the best personal injury attorney, not only for himself, but also for his associates as well. Enter Benedict Morelli, famous New York socially conscious personal injury attorney who secured an amicable, but undisclosed, settlement for Morgan from Wal-Mart, whose driver plowed into Morgan's limo, killing comedian Jimmy Mack McNair and severely injuring Morgan and two others. Morelli's Publicity When the general public saw Morelli on the Today Show, offering updates about this client, Tracey Morgan, people wanted him as their attorney as well. Others remember his defense of Christian Curry, who won an undisclosed settlement from Morgan Stanley or as the attorney from Fox's "Power of Attorney." Inside legal circles, Morelli is already well-known; he was the former President of both the Brooklyn-Manhattan Trial Lawyers and the New York State Trial Lawyers Association. …show more content…

In 2010, he was the lead counsel in case with the largest vaccine verdict in United States history. He's handled multiple civil cases that resulted in record-setting awards, many of which are settled out-of-court as the opposing counsel is intimidated by Morelli's skills at winning the jury over to his side. With spectacular verdicts under his belt and an uncanny knack for connecting with people, Morelli is in such demand that he may never be able to

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