Total Physical Approach: Total Physical Response (TPR)

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TOTAL PSYCAL RESPONSE (TPR) In English language teaching teachers should make students interest to learn what the teachers teach, one of the solutions that teachers should have are method, strategy, and approach to teach them, in order to make students did not feel boring in learning process. Thus, used the method, strategy, and approach in teaching it is important. One of the best methods is Total Physical Response (TPR) this method developed by Dr. James J Asher. This method aims to encouraging learners to listen and give responds to the spoken of target language instructions by their teachers. TPR is a language teaching method built around the coordination of speech and action, also give many learning models and try to practice more. These methods are better for the young learners; they will …show more content…

Because, the young learners is a kinesthetic students they will be happy when the teachers instruction them with body language. In my opinion, when teachers teach the students used this method students will be more effective in the class room. This method also can make students enjoy in their experience in learning, because students will be reduce their stress feeling when their study foreign language. As we known that, when students studied in classroom they feel fast to bored, and not interest to learn. However, when teacher teach students used a technique with song with this method students will be happy, forget the feel bored and more interest. According to Moon (2000) stated that Students are more likely to feel interest and invested in process learning and will more better care of the materials that given by the teacher. To conclude, this method will be applied in classroom for the young learners and make them

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