Too Kinds By Amy Tan Summary

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Tiger mom’s education I s a new product which is widely discussed by people at present,the core content of this education is enforcing education method strictly in every detail. In ‘’Too Kinds” by Amy Tan and “ Tiger Moms”by ANNIE MUPPHY PAUL,moms both are very strict with their children,but Lulu and Sophia’s mother are much stricter than Amy’s mother. First Amy’s mother are very rigorous to Amy . In the story there are evidences”Every night after dinner,my mother would present new tests/Each week. Had a great assortment,searching stories about to remark children/Piano lessons” it is obvious to see that her mom does a lot to Amy and strictly arrange the Amy”s work and time. And she often compete her daughter to others(searching remarked children)which gave Amy a lot of stress,just too hard for Amy.Similarly,Sophia and Lulu’s mother is very strict . …show more content…

Secondly, Lulu and Sophia’s mother are much stricter than Amy’s mother. In the story of Amy’s mother gave Amy many things to do which Amy are not willing to do like” Every night after dinner.....She would present new test/piano practice” because eventhough it is not sample thing but by the Amy effort she seems can do nothing if she likes,all this things i mean ,in the paragraph”at last she was beginning to give up hope/She never mentioned my playing again, the lesson stopped.”contrarily Lulu and Sophia’s mother is totally different “Forced her 7-year-old daughter Lulu to practice for hours on end --”right through dinner into the night,” with no breaks for water or even the bathroom.”It is too cruel for children ,and it is inhumanness.Comparing to Amy’s mother it is distinct that she is too strict.Thinking about our needs, we need water give energy, we need to go to toilet to excrete.therefor how strict Lulu’s mother is. Overall,in the story”two kinds” by Amy and “Tiger moms”by ANNIE MUPPHY PAUL ,moms both are very strict but LUlu’s mom is much stricter than Amy’s

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