Tom Robinson Accused In To Kill A Mockingbird

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There is a popular court case in To Kill a Mockingbird concerning how Tom Robinson allegedly raped and beat Mayella Ewell. Regarding that case, in my opinion, Tom is innocent of all supposed wrongdoings. I believe this claim for three main interconnected reasons. They are, all the other witnesses called up to the stand are prejudice towards Tom; therefore they’d lie to convict him. Tom’s left hand is greatly injured, so he couldn’t have attacked Mayella based off the location of her injuries. Lastly, Bob Ewell was proven to sexually and physically abuse Mayella because of both Mayella’s and Tom’s testimony. Because of how Mr. Ewell, Mr. Tate, and Miss Ewell are all racist, their testimonies would purposely be tainted to falsely convict Tom of beating and raping Mayella. All the witnesses, besides Tom, are racist towards Blacks. Because of this, they would all alter their testimonies, so that it would be easily inferred that Tom Robinson both raped and beat Mayella. Someone may say, “Even though they are all racist, it doesn’t …show more content…

Ewell has been proven to sexually assault Mayella. You may be saying to yourself, “so what?” They answer is he is using the trial as a coverup to hide his sexual and physical abuse to Mayella to avoid the public backlash. Right before Mayella was going to kiss Tom, she said, “...what her papa do to her don’t count” (Lee 194). This statement made by Tom aligns with Mayella’s confession of being beaten by her father. That proves that Mr, Ewell physically and sexually abuses Mayella. As I already explained Tom did not beat Mayella, so the next logical culprit would be Mr. Ewell because he was the only other person at the scene. Also, I already explained Mr. Ewell created the case to falsely convict Tom. Putting these two facts together, we can see that Mr. Ewell created the case to cover up his physical and sexually abuse he afflicts on Mayella to avoid any negative public

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