Exculpatory Evidence In To Kill A Mockingbird

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I am appalled by the jury's decision. At no time during this trial did any evidence point towards Tom's guilt, at least no evidence that wasn't twisted. The reason for his ‘guilt’ is simple, it's because the people of this town are infected. They are infected with hatred and racism and their disease causes those around them to suffer. The first piece of exculpatory evidence was Mayella's eye. Her right eye was, as they said, banged up. The location of the bruise was confirmed by both Mr. Heck Tate and Robert Ewell. This indicates that whoever was responsible beat her with their left hand. A feat which Tom is incapable of doing because his left arm is limited, it was caught in a cotton gin when he was young. Another fact to take note of is the actions of the Ewells when they were up to the …show more content…

Despite it being so, Mr. Gilmer completely twisted his words around and turned the spectators against him. They were all quick to turn on him because they all were rooted with the belief of his guilt already, making it easy for them to be manipulated. Their bigotry prevents them from seeing the true nature of Tom. He is simply a good-natured person yet others see only to his skin color. They make brazen decisions due to a presumptuous belief that they have somewhat of an understanding of this man because they know the color of his skin. To anyone reading this who gravitated towards the Ewells side during the trial, I hope this can serve as insight into how you are wrong. How you are disregarding a man’s very being and seeing only a color. How you are seeing the world through an ignorant lens. For those who agree with me, I can only applaud you as you seem to be in the minority of Maycomb. Although we make up a smaller amount of the town I hope our eyes- free from racial ignorance will allow others to follow. May we pass onto our offspring, a view of the world that remains untainted by foolish

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