Examples Of Tolerance In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Tolerance is the willingness to accept something, in particular the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with. Why do people mistreat others; how do societies form despite differences? Tolerance is a major theme in Collection 1, especially in the text “Texas v. Johnson” by William J. Brennan, “The American Flag Stands for Tolerance” by Ronald J. Allen and To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee. In this collection,Ourselves and Others, tolerance is viewed as the allowance of something that is usually what one doesn’t agree with and shows it in a society where people have a high tolerance and others have near none, for better or for worse. In “Texas v. Johnson”, William Brennan talks about “national unity” and how One of the most tolerant characters in this book is Atticus Finch, the father of the narrator Scout and her older brother Jem. Atticus is a respected man in the community of Maycomb and also works in law as a lawyer which is comparable to Brennan who was a judge and wrote the court opinion “Texas v. Johnson.” Another character in the book, Mrs. Dubose, has a nasty nature and insults both Atticus and his children when they walk by but he still sees her as an amazing person and even went as far as to call her “the bravest person [he] ever knew” (Lee 128) because behind the insults was a person struggling with addiction and working to fight it. Atticus knew this and he treated her with respect and was tolerant to her merciless opinions of him which makes his character one of the most tolerant of the community and that is why he is so respected by most of the people there. A few pages prior to calling Mrs. Dubose the “bravest person” one page 120 he was talking to Scout about others opinions and how they believe themselves to be right and Atticus to be wrong. In reply he says “they're certainly entitled to think that, and they're entitled to full respect for their opinions... but before [he] can live with other folks [he’s] got to live with [himself]. The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience” (Lee) expressing his tolerance for others and respecting their ideas and opinions of him and his ideas in the most intellectual and peaceful way possible. Atticus also shows that he believes that looking back on one’s life, they must see if their decisions reveal a person that they are proud to

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