To My Dear And Loving Husband Figurative Language

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Have you ever thought about figurative language changing? Figurative language hasn't really changed much over time. In bradstreet's “ To My Dear and Loving Husband” and Katy Perry's “ Firework” the figurative language hasn't really changed much. Figurative Language hasn't really changed over time since the puritan era. For example Katy Perry and Anne Bradstreet both use Imagery, anaphora, and a common tone in their poem and song. The song “Firework” by katy perry and the poem “To My Dear and Loving Husband” both use imagery. In “Firework” Katy Perry says, “after a hurricane comes a rainbow” (22). In this line katy is saying that after something bad happens there is something good coming. After a storm most of the time there is a rainbow representing the good. Bradstreet also uses imagery when she says “ All the riches that the east doth hold” Bradstreet is saying that she loves her husband more than all the riches in the east. Bradstreet and Perry aren't talking about the same thing, but they both use imagery to convey a message that they are trying to get across. …show more content…

In “ To My Dear and Loving Husband” Bradstreet uses anaphora in the first three lines of her poem when she says “ If ever two were one, then surely we. If ever a man were loved by wife then thee; If ever wife was happy in a man,” (1-3) Bradstreet is saying that her and her husband are are happy in their marriage and that they have a perfect marriage. Perry uses anaphora several times in her song “ Firework”. For example when she says “ Boom, Boom, Boom ever brighter than the moon, moon, moon. Boom boom boom. Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon.” (49-52). Perry is saying that when you are a “Firework” you will be brighter than the moon. These two examples of anaphora are not very similar, but they are both in the poem and the

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