Racism: A Prevalent Issue Across All Races

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Racism is simply not just towards black but also can be towards other races , blacks can be racist towards white people as well as white are racist to every other race there is. Everyone no matter how much money ,who you're with or who your parents are is capable of being either racist or being discriminated themselves . Many people think that racism is only towards black people. That isn't true white people are constantly also being discriminated as well as the black. Jem and scout are get called out because they are white . “Lula stopped, but she said ‘You ain't got no business bringin’ white chillun here — they got their church, we got our’n. it is our church ain't it Miss cal?’ calpurnia said ‘ It's the same God , ain't it ?’ Jem said, …show more content…

“ ‘They're real sad ‘ ‘Sad,how come?’ They don't belong anywhere. Colored folks won't have ‘ em because they're half white White folks won't have ‘em ‘ cause they're colored, so they are just in between a, don't belong anywhere “ (Lee ,215) . Dolphus Raymond a white man has to deal with being told he's not right in the mind because he is with a black lady and has mixed babies. He pretends to be drinking every time he comes into town so he can avoid all the rude people say , sad that he and his family are discriminated just because they love people of the opposite race. His babies don't belong anywhere they are seen as aliens by the humans, out of the normal and not accepted in this world. No race wants the mixed kids no one will be pleasures to have them belong got to their race , they've let the hatred get in the middle of the fact a child should be able to be loved by his or her race.Racism is not only towards black people but also towards white people.The mixed race used to be looked as aliens now they are one of the most praised and beautiful races seen by the people, a number years allowed people to see not only color most times but also personality and

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