To Kill A Mockingbird Character Analysis Essay

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Harper Lee is an American writer who won a Pulitzer Prize for her novel, “To Kill a Mockingbird.” The protagonist of “To Kill a Mockingbird” is Scout Finch, a young girl, who lives in the fictional town, Maycomb, with her brother, Jem Finch, and her father, Atticus Finch. This town is in the Deep South, and deals with tough racial issues. Atticus is a Lawyer, and is chosen to represent a black man. Atticus chooses to defend him despite his race, and this causes him and his children to suffer assaults from others in the town. “To Kill a Mockingbird” deals with themes such as innocence, gender roles, and racism. Mayella Ewell is an antagonist in this novel. She is the daughter of Bob Ewell, the town drunk. Mayella claims she was raped by Tom Robinson, the black man Atticus Finch is defending. However, the reality is that she was trying to seduce him, and when he refused, she pretended that was his intention. Mayella Ewell is willing to testify saying that Tom Robinson raped her even though it is a lie, and knowing that his life was at stake.
One of the possible reasons of why Mayella ...

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