The Power of Telling the Story in To Kill a Mockingbird through the Eyes of a Child

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In the book, To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, the story is told by a young girl called Jean-Louise Finch but also known as Scout aged five at the start of the book almost turning six who in the book is quite unique as she could read at the age of six and understand her fathers profession as a lawyer. The story is about Scout growing up in the southern state of Alabama in a small town called Maycomb with her brother Jem and her father called Atticus who is the lawyer. The main theme of the book is about Atticus defending a black man called Tom Robinson and he is accused of raping a white girl called Mayella Ewell and how it affects her, in the book she learns about racism and prejudice and the struggle of black men in life and she also learns about the ways of life and family traditions. The book is set in the late 1930’s so racial discrimination is at its peak in the southern states of America. I feel that because Scout is telling the story makes it more powerful because it gives a sense of innocence as the world is metaphorically blowing up because she does not fully understand what is going and why because at the start of the book, she has not experience the world and the bad in it unlike Atticus and in some cases Jem because she is so young and innocence but as she has he first contact of the Tom Robinson case she starts to learn but about the world and the ways she describes her experiences make it heart warming for the reader like the time where she is at the cell where Tom Robinson is and the gang are there to kill him but Scout says to Walter Cunninghams dad, “Don’t you remember me Mr Cunningham? I’m Jean Louise Finch. You brought some hickory nuts one early morning, remember? We had a talk. I went and got my daddy t... ... middle of paper ... ... front hair and land one in his mouth. He slapped me ………… I knew he was fighting, he was fighting me back. We were equals. “Ain’t so high and mighty now, are you!” And this shows how dramatic and powerful she can be but then she can be sensitive and caring like when she was with dill outside the court hose during the Tom Robinson trial and Dill was upset. “That’s just Mr Gilmer’s way, Dill, he does ‘em all that way. You’ve never seen him get good’n down on one yet. Why, when – well, today Mr Gilmer seemed to me like he wasn’t half trying. They do ‘em all that way, most lawyer, I mean.” And I think these quotes show that Scout is not just angry all the time but caring as well and that she has no set personality she has to follow and that she loves he friend but also that she could stand up whenever she needed to defend herself or anyone else she loved and cared for.

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