To Kill A Mockingbird Adjectives Analysis

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There are many adjectives that can describe who a person is. A person can be courageous, kind, shy, brave or even rude. Actions and events lead up to who someone is as a person. In Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, the city of Maycomb has many drastic events and dramatic moments which put labels on the characters as far as who they are as a person for their actions and decisions. Throughout this all Atticus seems to pull through and remain his true self. The three adjectives that describe Atticus the best are honest, brave, and not racist. The first adjective i chose to describe Atticus was him being honest. First of throughout the whole novel Atticus has always had morals and said the truth. No matter how good or how bad things were, he never lied or holded the truth back. “Atticus, are we going to win it?”-Scout, “No, …show more content…

He makes sure everyone in the city of Maycomb is out of harm and well protected. He risks his well being for others. To begin with he defeated the mad dog.“With movements so swift they seemed simultaneous, Atticus's hand yanked a ball-tipped lever as he brought the gun to his shoulder” (Lee, 80). This quote is significant because it shows that a dog that everyone was scared of and could of killed or hurt the residents of city of Maycomb, got rid of by Atticus. Another reason that proves that Atticus is truly brave is his ability to be calm and not to further complicate things. He showed bravery in his confrontation with Bob Ewell. “.. this morning Mr. Bob Ewell stopped Atticus on the post office corner, spat in his face,and told him he’d get it if it took the rest of his life”( Lee, 184). “Miss Stephanie said Atticus didn’t bat an eye. Just took out his handkerchief and wiped his face and stood there and let Mr. Ewell call him names wild horses could not bring her to repeat”(Lee, 185) This shows his bravery because he did not respond and cause more problems, he simply walked

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