Timothy Holbrook Arguments Against Jim Crow Laws

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We like to imagine that our current society in America is more advanced than most other regions of the world. Recent legislation in Georgia and North Carolina is just another reminder that those thoughts are mere illusions. These states are trying to block the civil rights of LGBT individuals and make it legal for anyone to infringe upon them. This article from Timothy Holbrook attempts to make sense of the reasoning behind these recent laws. I feel he makes a phenomenal case against these bills and presents sound reasoning why it is in our best interest to oppose these types of legislation. The audience that Mr. Holbrook is attempting to reach is more than likely younger individuals who have a more liberal viewpoint. It could be argued that this article was written for anyone who has an opinion on these matters. People who disagree with the bills will be interested in his pleas of common sense decency towards our fellow man. People who agree with the legislation will be interested to know how this might end up affecting them. The subject matter is so controversial that this article is attempting to reach anyone interested, regardless of their viewpoint. …show more content…

Holbrook’s purpose in writing this article is to point out the dangers of these types of legislation. He points out how simple it was to pass a law that legalizes the infringement of civil liberties based solely on differing lifestyles. This sets a dangerous precedent as well as harken back to the days of Jim Crow laws and segregation. He wonders how discrimination can come so easily to our elected government officials and what does that say about us as a society. He also wants to show us the consequences that could come about from these types of bills. Indiana recently passed similar laws and the impact has been overwhelmingly negative on the state. He simply wants everyone involved to take a step back and think about these points

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