Timber Ridge Narrative

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It was a long day at school, I was ready to hit the slopes. My friend Cody and I got a ride to Timber ridge. When we arrived we suited up in our warmest gear preparing for the cold. After we get our coats, hats, gloves, and boots on we head to the lumberjack slope, one of the longer hills at Timber Ridge. We get in line to hop onto the fast moving lift. When it sour turn we slide up to the line with one foot locked into the board, we stop at the and the lift swings around and the attendant grabs it for just long enough for us to easily get on. It’s a very cold day especially when you are up high on a lift. We near the end put our boards on the ground and push of the chair. We move to the top of the hill and sit down. I lock in my other foot …show more content…

We get warmed up on this hill and are ready to go on some bigger slopes. The Hemlock, the biggest hill at Timber Ridge, I had never done this hill but I was ready today. We board over to the lift and head up. I’m a little nervous but at the same time I was more confident in my snowboarding abilities than ever. I strap myself in at the top of the hill and prepare for the massive hill. Apparently I was not paying enough attention to the terrain because I go down the same side as the moguls. As a younger man these moguls looked colossal to me. I somehow make it through the moguls and pick up speed towards the end of the hill. I was going too fast and did not want to fly into anybody or onto the frozen pond. I panic and take a leap of faith into the ground. “FEWWWW”, I’m alright and feeling pretty good about myself for not actually falling on the hill. My confidence is pretty high at this point so we go to the terrain park. The beginner park is called the pumpkin patch. You take a tow rope up the hill not a lift. I grab the rope as it yanks me up the hill. At the top I survey the hill. There is 2 grinds, a few jumps and some other things that I was not sure what they were. I start down the hill and go for the wide grind. I miraculously don’t bust my head on the grind, next was a jump I go off it and fall when I land. This is pretty normal I’m told since it’s my first time on the terrain park. I practice a bunch more times and get decent at the

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