Tim Tebow Essay

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The Good Side As humans, we are commonly known to be born good beings. Many would say that statement is false because of all the problems and bad conflicts going on in the world. Many countries in the world are in turmoil, plagued with war, poverty, and even corruption. One idea to think about, not a lot of people are giving their all to fix these problems. There area few who come to mind when thinking of human beings who want to make a change in the world. Tim Tebow is a prime example. Tim Tebow was a professional football player, but at the same time he is a missionary. He does missionary work every summer, and does even more in the states, often visiting children’s hospitals. Tim Tebow puts his faith in God, and spreads the word of the …show more content…

From the deeds of Tim Tebow and Mother Teresa, the belief that humans are born good should be considered a fact. Tim Tebow shows that humans are born good beings because of his willingness to help others no matter what the circumstances and proclaim the word of God to the world. Tim Tebow was born in the Philippines to two missionary parents. The entire Tebow family is very passionate about missionary work. The Tebow bunch takes trips every summer to the Philippines to do outreach and evangelistic work. Tim Tebow has been doing this ever since childhood, preaching to over 10,000 people during his time doing missionary work in Mindanao (“Tim Tebow”). Tim Tebow is frequently described as generous, and being cutthroat aggressive, but only when it comes to football. The Heisman Trophy winner often spends his time visiting orphanages and hospitals to see sick children who are ill (“Tim Tebow”). If it wasn’t enough just doing missionary work and visiting children’s hospitals, Tim Tebow even started his own foundation. The Tim Tebow Foundation’s mission is to bring the word of God to those who have never even heard of it. Another …show more content…

Mother Teresa is one name that pops up when thinking of good deeds. Mother Teresa, ever since childhood, wanted to become a missionary (“Teresa, Mother”). When Mother Teresa was only twelve years old, she desired to become a nun. In the May of 1931, Mother Teresa started serving as a nun at the sisters of Loreto in Ireland (“Teresa, Mother”). One day, Mother Teresa claimed God called out to her. Jesus asked of Mother Teresa, “to be his light”, to show the love and compassion that Jesus once showed to the world (“Mother Teresa of Calcutta”). God said that she was to leave her current position, and go to India, to help the poor while at the same time living with them (“Teresa, Mother”). Because of this, Mother Teresa is known by her nickname, “Saint of the Gutters”. She was given this name because of her willingness to serve the poor and impoverished people (“Teresa, Mother”). According to research, “In the mid 1950s, while in India, Mother Teresa expanded her caretaking to abandoned children, people with leprosy, and the elderly. This lead her to establishing welfare institutions, this included family clinics, tuberculosis clinics, schools, malnutrition centers, night shelters, and nurseries” (“Teresa, Mother”). Her works were not just limited to those, though. Mother Teresa shared her sacrifice and her evangelistic work with many people of all types of religions and nationalities (“Mother Teresa of

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