Rikki Tulaki Movie And Movie Analysis

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The comparison of Rikki-Tikki-Tavi the Movie and Story. This story resembles bravery in a little mongos named Rikki-Tikki-Tavi. A mongos who saves a family and gets something in return. He protects this family with his life and always thinks of others first. Rikki is a fighting, protecting, and loving mongos who has killed many of snakes protecting this little boy named Teddy, and his family. In the story and movie there are many of similarities and differences, to do with the plot, setting, and characters, comparing the book and the movie Rikki-Tikki-Tavi. Rikki was found by a river soaking wet by Teddy, a boy who wanted to have a funeral for him, and his family. In both the story and movie he was describe cold and wet; also he was found in the dirt. Teddy and his family decided to take him home to warm him up and get him something to eat. During the movie the big man, Teddy’s dad, …show more content…

After Nag had been killed Rikki wasn’t finished he had wanted to make everyone safe by Nagina and her young, who hadn’t hatched yet. In both the movie and the story the bird, Darzee’s wife, had helped Rikki by distracting Nagina so he could get to the eggs. The bird led Nagina to the house there she threatened to hurt Teddy Rikki persuaded her to stop because he had the last fertile eggs in his mouth. Nagina quickly took it and went down her hole ,home, with Rikki following her. Rikki had killed her. This is where the difference comes in; in the book it is written “Rikki-tikki curled himself up in the grass and slept where he was-slept and slept till it was late in the afternoon, for he had done a hard day's work.”(Kipling 156). As in the movie he just went straight to the house. Teddy was happy to see him and so was the mom and dad. Teddy’s mom said “He saved our lives and Teddy’s lives; just think, he saved all of our lives.” (movie and book Kipling 156). The statement the mother said was true Rikki was a

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