Thyroid Boosting Brownies Research Paper

576 Words2 Pages

Title: Thyroid-Boosting Brownies
Category: Health & Wellness
Tags: hypothyroidism, coconut oil, coconut flour
Teaser: Gluten-free, dairy free, refined sugar-free and thyroid boosting!
*Photo 1*
Article: These brownies are not only dark, rich and delicious, but they’re also healthier thanks to the addition of coconut flour and coconut oil. While brownies may not be a cure-all for hypothyroidism, you can certainly give your sluggish thyroid and even metabolism a boost with these coconut infused brownies.
Why coconut oil?
Do you suffer from a low body temperature, sensitivity to cold that extends to cold hands and feet? Do you frequently experience headaches, insomnia, dry skin, puffy eyes, hair loss, brittle nails and joint aches? If you answered yes, then you my friend, could be suffering from an underactive thyroid. But sadly the symptoms don’t end there. An underactive thyroid may even leave you walking around in a fog, with constipation, a hoarse voice, ringing in the ears; dizziness, low sex drive and the dreaded… weight gain.
Although coconut oil is about 90 percent saturated fat, which is a higher percentage than butter it also gives "good" HDL cholesterol a boost. Fat in the diet, whether saturated or unsaturated, tend to raise HDL levels — slightly. But coconut oil seems to be especially potent at raising good HDL levels …show more content…

These types of fatty acids are extremely beneficial for weight loss. MCFAs are easily oxidized in the liver according to a study published in the Journal of Nutrition, which means that the fast rate of oxidation leads to greater energy expenditure and greater weight loss. So, before coconut oil has a chance to store as fat, it’s already at work converting into energy. Animal studies also demonstrate that the relationship between MCFA and long-chain fatty acids (LCFA) results in less body weight gain and decreased size of fat depots after several months of

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