Thumbelina Research Paper

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If you are looking for a quality animated movie about a princess, or a girl wanting to find love, looking for it in the 1994 Don Bluth film Thumbelina is - like the word the titular character constantly uses - impossible. In fact, the film Thumbelina is the reason why princess films need to be done by Disney and only Disney. While the film had great animation, the writing of this film was anything but great. You know someone should have gotten fired from the writing team when Samson and Delilah and Romeo and Juliet were used as a metaphor for a "happy love story". One of the biggest issues with the story writing had to be the lack of a developed conflict. First, we are introduced to Thumbelina, who is upset that she is smaller than everything and everyone around her. Like the actual fairy tale, her aspiration in life is to find a man who is the same size as her, so she can live happily ever after. So this means …show more content…

When Thumbelina was released in the early 90's, Disney came out with big selling films like The Little Mermaid, Beauty and The Beast, and Aladdin. Watching Thumbelina, it is obvious the Disney formula was copied from the aforementioned music number Cornelius and Thumbelina have (which is a rip-off of "A Whole New World") to even hiring the same voice actress who voiced Ariel to voice Thumbelina. The fact that Don Bluth was the person who copied the Disney formula to make this abomination is a major disappointment. Don Bluth was a man who dominated the 80's with stellar films such as The Secret of NIMH, An American Tail, and The Land Before Time, while Disney was at its lowest point. To go from something as edgy and magnificent as the above mentioned films to this mediocre Disney knock-off is displeasing for anyone who is a Bluth

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