Three Most Important Consequences Of The Civil War Essay

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Identify and describe what you believe were the three most significant consequences of the Civil War. Justify your selection and indicate which consequence you think was the most important and why. After the Civil War, America changed dramatically. The people of the U.S. were in shock over the amount of loss, mothers, fathers, wives, and children were mourning the loss of loved ones. The war was devastating. Families were torn apart: some fought on opposites sides and some were killed. It was a dark time in American history. Political parties changed, slaves were freed, and a stronger national government was established. At the end of the war, reconstruction started, and the Republicans took over. The political system of America was changed. …show more content…

Slaves were made citizens. They were given the right to vote were given equal protection under the law. After being slaves for generations, African Americans were free. The Southern states hated it, but the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments have had a huge impact on America. Thirdly, the Federal government took on the responsibility of protecting all of its citizens. The states no longer shouldered that burden. State’s powers were limited, while Federal powers expanded. Sovereign states no longer existed. The right to succeed was taken away, too. The Federal government had no intentions of a civil war ever-taking place, again. The government also made sure the southern states behaved and followed the new laws that were passed to protect African Americans. This was not an easy task, and eventually led to cases such as Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) and Brown v. Board of Education (1954). After the Civil War, things changed in America. Slave ownership was abolished, African Americans got the right to vote, and white men were no longer making money off of slaves. The South received a wakeup call, and Northern abolitionists celebrated. America had moved forward and did not look back. It was the dawn of a new …show more content…

The South remained mostly agricultural, while the North became more industrialized. The two societies remained strongly diverse. The smoldering issue that prompted the union 's interruption, in any case, was the levelheaded discussion over the eventual fate of slavery. That question prompted severance, and withdrawal realized a war in which the Northern and Western states and regions battled to protect the Union, and the South battled to set up Southern autonomy as another confederation of states under its own particular constitution. The South used slaves to tend its extensive estates and perform different obligations. On the eve of the Civil War, approximately 4 million Africans and their relative’s works as slave workers in the South. Subjection was entwined into the Southern economy despite the fact that just a generally little divide of the populace really claimed slaves. Slaves could be leased or exchanged or sold to pay obligations. Responsibility for than a modest bunch of slaves presented regard and added to social position, and slaves, as the property of people and organizations, spoke to the biggest part of the district 's close to home and corporate riches, as cotton and land costs declined and the cost of slaves took off. States ' Rights allude to the battle between the central government and individual states over political force. In the Civil War period, this

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