Three Arguments For The Existence Of God

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The oldest philosophical question is does God exist. Past and present philosophers have tried to figure out the answer to this question. There are three arguments that argue that God does indeed exist. The three classical arguments for the existence of God are the cosmological, ontological, and teleological arguments. All three of these arguments have a different way for believing God does exist. The cosmological argument is the oldest argument for the existence of God and is the most used argument. The argument is called the cosmological argument because it deals with what humans observe. Someone divine had to create the stars, the plants, and the cosmos. Philosophers believe that the divine person is indeed God. In chapter three of Consider …show more content…

The cosmological argument is based assertions of the first mover and a cause to prove he exist. The ontological argument is a concept of God as proof of existence. This argument is about how someone cannot doubt that there is a perfect being because you can picture one. Lastly the teleological argument is based on observation, and how things are designed for a purpose. Of all three of these arguments, the most convincing one to me is the teleological argument. I will explain why I think this with an example. When I see a beautiful sunset across the sky, I love to take a picture of it. I am amazed by the beautiful colors in the sky. When I look at that sunset I think, how could someone not believe in God. He is the one that created this beautiful sunset. He is the designer of the sunset. The sunset has a purpose, and I believe it is because God wants us to be reminded of the beautiful creations he creates. When I scroll though my Facebook feed, I often see people taking and picture of something and saying the same thing. I have seen people say something about the ocean, mountains, flowers, and so many other beautiful creations. I know that God is the designer of this world. Someone had to create that sunset, and it was God. Another reason I believe in the teleological argument is because of the purpose of objects. I believe if the eye was not designed the way it is designed, we could not see. God designed the eye the way he did for a purpose, and that was so we could see. The teleological argument is more convincing because it is about a designer that created this world and the things in this world for a purpose. I believe God created me for a certain purpose. I do not know if I have done what God has wanted me to do, but I do know I was designed for a reason. The ontological argument is not enough to convince me. This argument gives a definition of God and because of that definition he must

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