Thomas Jefferson's Hypocrisy In The US

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As Don King once said, “Hypocrisy is the mother of all evil and racial prejudice is her favorite child.” Thomas Jefferson was a cruel man who failed to follow his five most distinguished words: “All men are created equal.” As the third President of the United States, Jefferson worked to represent all people, yet he barely regarded African Americans as humans. The third President owned hundreds of slaves, and forced them to build his massive home, Monticello. Thomas Jefferson was a deceitful hypocrite, a man who favored black labor, and was overall racist in many ways. Thomas Jefferson truly was one of America’s most evil Presidents.

Thomas Jefferson was a cruel man who forced slaves to build Monticello. Monticello roughly housed 130 slaves. These slaves were treated with very poor condition. To “encourage the work of” his slaves, Jefferson threatened to sell them away from their families. His overseers at Monticello were brute as they often whipped his slaves. According to Montecillo Property, James Hemings, a slave, was whipped three time a day. Hemings was also not able to even lift his own head. Also, William McGehee, who was an overseer, was reported to …show more content…

Jefferson was a president who took in many slaves as he was elected president and as he wrote and signed the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson wrote and signed to the words that “all men are created equal”, yet he treated blacks and african slaves with no humanity. Jefferson stated later that slavery is a “...great political and moral evil...” yet he did not try to take action to eliminate slavery. According to Philadelphia News, Jackson was a slaveholder since he was 11 years old after he inherited over 50 slaves and 5,000 acres of land. Jefferson held many slaves during his life even though he believed it was morally wrong. Jefferson was a hypocrite and treated slaves with no

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