Thich Nhat Hanh's Practice Of Silence

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Throughout the world, there are many different types of religion that an individual could possibly associate themselves with. Labeling yourself with a title of being Buddhist, Hindu, Islamic, Christian, and so forth, can be difficult at times as you may be adhering to some or all of that religion's beliefs. This reflection will contain the discussion based mainly on Buddhism along with a Vietnamese monk, Thich Nhat Hanh’s practice of silence.
While growing up in a family of Buddhists, it did not necessarily allow myself to choose which religion I wanted to identify myself as if I preferred another religion. Luckily, I do see myself as a Buddhist along with the rest of my family members. Majority of my life has always been surrounded by Buddhists and their beliefs. Buddhism is very unique as it differs from other religions.
Other religions that people abide by, tend to consist of one or multiple gods. Buddhism is unlike the others. It is questioned whether or not it is a religion due to not having a “God”. Within Buddhism, the goal would to become “the one”. Some may say that this is impossible, but there are also others who believe that it is achievable. A human would need to go through a process to reach the state of nirvana. Passed down for centuries, …show more content…

Instead of going out and creating a disaster, one can simply take a moment to focus on silence. This may help ease and eliminate thoughts within the mind. Of course there are some issues in the society where we should set our focal point to, but there are times when we should allow ourselves to sit back and refresh our mind. Another reason why silence can benefit people would definitely be for those in stressful situations such as school environment to even work environment. This gives a moment for students and employees to take a break and relieve their

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