They 'Re Not' Dumb Blondes After All Analysis

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Statistically proven, findings showed that women with natural hair color are more intelligent than brunettes and redheads. From time to time, people stereotyped assuming that blondes are not intelligent and has been known to have a low IQ. The article “They’re not ‘dumb blondes after all: Women with the natural hair color are more intelligent than brunettes and redheads” published by the Daily Mail has surfaced arguments. The article provided inaccurate results to agree with due to the lack of broad statistical theory and selection bias resulting to a misleading interpretation article. To begin with, the article use a sample size of 10,878 females while there is a population of 226,545,805 in the United States. That is a ratio of 1 : …show more content…

In this article, it explains that a person intelligence cannot be measured by a number. There are not even one test or segment that could precisely judge how intelligent you are. Factors like aging can decline your ability to perform more efficiently in visual search. People who smoke affects their logical thinking. Furthermore, people with anxiety also does poorly on IQ tests because they cannot focus well. There are 9 types of intelligence in the world. The non-blonde women selected may be intelligent in other categories. For example, musical intelligence, interpersonal intelligence and etc.
“To eliminate any bias in the IQ tests caused by ethnic and racial differences, Jay Zagorsky from Ohio State University dropped all African Americans and Hispanics from the analysis, reducing the sample size to 10,878 white females” stated in the Daily Mail. The deduction of various ethnicity and racial differences makes the research inexact. Who knows if some of the white people have African Americans blood or/and other bloodline. It is not required that the women are 100% American …show more content…

Family background, education, and ethnicity plays a huge role in the results of selection of these data’s. For example, researchers might have conducted selection bias on the blondes. There are no guarantees that researchers purposely chose intelligent and determined blondes. They might deliberately select the brunettes/red hairs that are less intelligent. Whom may have been immigrants, having English as their second language, or not grew up in a white environment at all which makes them less likely to get the best IQ score they can get because of the language barrier. The results of the data is misconducted due to a minimum broad of analytical research. Researchers of these essay focused on specific categorical whom are competent blondes that may have had more aid and access to education compared to the rest of colored haired women

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