Thesis Statement

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Is essay writing is one of the important skills that schools teach? In our generation we are told by society that english isn't an important class that we need to take. It seems that most people find it irrelevant to day to day life. In reality it is one of the most important classes you will take. Sure, a police officer might not need to be able to comprehend shakespeare or quote Edgar Allen Poe, but he will need to know how to write a report on a ticket he issued or a murder scene he responded to. You will have to write a cover letter for most job applications. Or what if you need to write a formal complaint to a company, or a concern email for your child’s school. It’s a fact that people with larger vocabulary will be seen as more educated …show more content…

Thesis statements are the opening sentence that explains what you will be talking about in your writing. See how my thesis statement was, “Is essay writing is one of the important skills that schools teach?”. I clearly explained what I will be talking about in my writing. Also note that I posed a question rather than a statement. This leaves readers wondering what the answer is and allows a more interactive approach. The thesis statement needs to be backed up with a solid introduction paragraph. It should give a vague explanation of the rest of writing. It should also get the reader's attention. Try to avoid just paraphrasing the rest of your essay in this paragraph, this will defeat the purpose of the rest of information. The heart of your essay should be beating in the body paragraphs. You need to start each one with a topic sentence. Topic sentences should reflect a subcategory presented by the thesis. They need to open the the rest of the paragraph and organize things in an orderly fashion. Your body paragraphs should stay within the topic sentence. If you find yourself talking about other subjects, you may consider starting a new paragraph. Make sure you present all the necessary information in your body paragraphs without being redundant or boring your

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