There Is Power In A Union Rhetoric

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Composers use various rhetorical strategies to tell a story and inspire people to join a strike or a union. They also help build a powerful movement. Composers use expression that, at times may be insulting, a bit of exaggeration and the glory of the workers from the unions.
The first kind of rhetoric words that a composer will use to either tell a story, inspire people to join a strike or union or to help build a powerful movement is by insulting those that have yet to join the union. Composers may use insults to have those that are not in favor, be looked down upon. While those in the most favored viewpoint, are given a satisfactory concurrence. An example of this, in text, is from the song “There Is Power In A Union” by Joe Hill. “Would you have mansions of gold in the sky, And live in a shack, way in the back? Would you have wings up in heaven to fly, And starve here with rags on your back? If you’ve had ‘nuff’ of ‘the blood of the lamb’ Then join in the grand Industrial band; If, for a change, you would have eggs and ham, Then come do your share, like a man.” This quote helps to explain how the union workers were praised. This quote suggests that if you don’t do this, this and this for you community and …show more content…

Composers may use this rhetorical expression to help convince those why joining the union is a great idea. An example of this, in text, is from the song “Solidarity Forever” by Ralph Chaplin. “Is there aught we hold in common with the greedy parasite, Who would lash us into serfdom and would crush us with his might? Is there anything left to us but to organize and fight? For the union makes us strong”. This quote helps to explain that this is the suffering that you are going to go through if you don’t join the union, for joining the union is the best

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