Theory Of Wish-Fulfillment Analysis

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The theory of wish-fulfillment states that dreams could symbolize varying internal conflicts a person has, but be represented through some other event or object. There could be a deeper meaning of a person’s dream because their true and possibly inappropriate emotions may be replaced by a different scenario that would be considered appropriate. This creates the thought that an object in a dream could actually be meant to convey something else. Some people believe dreams allow an understanding of what is occurring in their personal life but there are multiple reasons a person could come up with for what it meant. There is also another possibility that there is no deeper meaning to a dream, and what is happening in it is exactly what it is with no hidden message. …show more content…

According to the information-processing theory, the people, phrases or events that a person encountered throughout a day appear in our dreams. The REM stage of sleep correlates with a person’s performance and memory. It is shown that getting a better night’s sleep increases the performance of a person and their ability to remember and understand more. Enough sleep is necessary to help a person store information and be able to remember it. The neutral activation theory concerns that a person’s memories get compiled together in a dream with the attempt to make it all fit together and make sense. The part of the brain associated with emotions is active while a person is asleep and the act of dreaming comes from that activity along with

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