Theories Of Prenatal Development

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Throughout life, people often look at their older years when thinking about what shaped them into the person they are today. Often times, looking at their prenatal care and childhood can provide enlightenment to certain attributes and habits they may have. This autobiography will look at various stages in my life, and see how differing psychological theories may shed a light to my development. Unfortunately, due to certain life circumstances, I am unable to obtain information regarding my prenatal development and reasons behind certain actions my mother may have done. Thus, the prenatal stage and ages 0-2 will concern my younger brother Joshua. My stepmother (from here on out I will refer to her as my mom) says that throughout her pregnancy …show more content…

This stage is important in a child’s development. Between birth and 2 years, babies and toddlers begin assimilating and accommodating new information. They begin learning by touching, eating, licking, chewing, and exploring their surroundings. According to Piaget, this stage is called the Sensorimotor Period. Piaget states that one of the major things children learn during this stage is object permanence. This leads can lead to understanding when trying to understand why toddlers do certain things. For example, when my brother was eighteen months old, he grabbed a sand garden from the bookshelf and started playing with it. Obviously, this lead to a horrible mess and when my dad saw it he exclaimed, “Joshua, look at this colossal mess you made!” When my mom got home, little Joshua went running down the stairs yelling, “Mommy, I made a colossal mess upstairs!” My brother took the information around him, assimilated and accommodated it, and then utilized it. By the time Joshua was two years old he was speaking in full, coherent sentences and could carry on a simple conversation. Along with him having advanced language skills, Joshua also had good fine motor skills. According to my mom, by the time he was six months old, Joshua could pick up Cheerios and feed himself on his …show more content…

In all honesty, I believe there was only one girl I would play with every now and then in my neighborhood when I was with my birth mother, but I even then I cannot recall her name. I do remember climbing trees with her, but other than that, I do not remember any other games we played together. I can say, though, that I was an easy child to play with. I shared well and I preferred to go with the flow when it came to deciding what game to play. When I was young, I always had a special washcloth/blankie that I held while I sucked my thumb. In all honesty, I am not entirely certain why I used it, but every night I would hold the washcloth in one hand while sucking my thumb, then rotate the cloth every time the area I was holding became warm. This habit persisted until I was six years old when I moved in with my dad and the washcloth did not move with me. Due to the amount of change that had occurred in my life at that point, I do not recall the lack of thumb sucking to be

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