relationship. The Lure of Forbidden Love

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-Forbidden fruits are always more tempting. {Virginia Woolf} (As a metaphor, the phrase typically refers to any indulgence or pleasure that is considered illegal or immoral/ forbidden love/ Prohibited/ Banned/ Outlawed/ Illegal/ Illicit/ Not allowed/ Prevented/ Stopped/ lecherous/ lustfulness/ lasciviousness/ libidinous/ dissolution/ wantonness/ depravity/ debauchery/ immorality/ shamelessness/ licentiousness/ impiety/ dissipation/ dissoluteness/inappropriate interaction)
~The law of forbidden love was too strong for Scott. {Investigation Discovery, TV series}
~ Word of their illicit relationship soon spread around. (Not legally permitted: unlawful)
~ They had an inappropriate interaction.
~ They quickly developed an intimate, inappropriate …show more content…

{Stephan Leacock} (Self-consciousness or awkwardness in the presence of others; bashful {Farlex}/shyness/ shy/ self-conscious/ timid/ reserved/ retiring/ withdrawn/ modest/ reticent/ blushing/ diffident/ timorous/ coy/ bashfulness/ embarrassed/ red-faced/ reddening/ go red)
~ I apologise for this parenthesis; and for mentioning child-psychology or anything else that can bring a blush to the cheek {GK Chesterton, Autobiography}

-He had a Narcissistic Personality disorder (NPA) (involves arrogant behaviour, a lack of empathy for other people, and a need for admiration-all of which must be consistently evident at work and in relationships/ self-love/cocky, self-centred, manipulative, and demanding/ convinced that they deserve special treatment/ concentrate on unlikely personal outcomes (e.g., fame)/ Antisocial, Borderline, Histrionic/ Psychopathy/ Machiavellianism) {Psychology Today}
~ It’s no fun doing crime alone-who are you going to brag to? Who’s going to idolise you? …show more content…

{Stephen Leacock} (Romantic: Displaying, expressive of, or conducive to love {Farlex Loving/ Passionate/ Tender/ Amorous/ Adoring/ Sexual/ Starry-eyed/ Idealist/ Optimist/ Dreamer);
(Chivalrous: Having the qualities of gallantry and honour attributed to an ideal knight. 2. Of or relating to chivalry {Farlex} Gallant/ Courtly/ Brave/ Valiant/ Loyal/ Magnanimous/ Noble/ Courtly/ Polite/ Mannerly/ Well-mannered/ Good-mannered/ Gracious/ Attentive/ Considerate)

-His days of wine, women, and song have ended. (The hedonistic life of drinking, sexual pleasure, and carefree entertainment proverbially required by men {Oxford Dictionary}/ a person whose life is devoted to the pursuit of pleasure and self-gratification {} pleasure-seeking/ debauchery/ libertine/ dissolute/ freethinking/ immoral/ lascivious / lecherous/ lewd/ libidinous/ licentious/ lustful/ profligate/ rakish/ sensual)
~Bon vivant/ bon viveur= a person indulging in a sociable and luxurious lifestyle {Oxford Dictionary} sybarite= a person devoted to luxury and pleasure {}/ libertine/ Pleasure-seeker/ Gourmet/ Epicure/ Gourmand/ Foodie/ Food lover/ Connoisseur/ lotus-eater= A lazy person devoted to pleasure and luxury

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