Theme Of When I Gave Myself To Him

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Emily Dickinson’s poem, “When I Gave Myself to Him” demonstrates and examines the commonalities of a women’s role in the 19th century and deliberately moves against the standard. Her use of figurative language, analogies, and the use of dashes represent an intense emotion between her feelings concerning the affiliate desires of society: to marry and have children. Emily uses the conventional use of poetic form by adding six to eight syllables in her quatrain that adds rhyme and musical quality to her poem to treat the unconventional poetic subject of the women’s gender role. This poem is not an ordinary love poem though isolation in unity that deals with the complications and ideas of belonging to someone. I gave myself to Him- And took …show more content…

Dickinson determines and acknowledges that relationships require a mutual risk. The speaker deliberately and courageously expresses the couple as not being interdependent towards one another. Yet, she merges through this affirmation that “some” couples require mutual gain in which both persons are content with their part of the bargain. The purpose is for the wife to have financial security while the husband gains a dedicated wife, very similar to the woman during the 19th century. Dickinson expresses that this obligation will require the woman to forever be indebted “Insolvent” to the husband and the intention to feel otherwise is …show more content…

Dickinson was unique and the “exception” in creating a private relationship with her self and her soul. In “Emily Dickinson and Popular Culture”, David S. Reynolds, a new historicism critic, wrote that it 's no surprise that the majority of Dickinson 's poetry was produced between 1858-1866, “It was a period of extreme consciousness about proliferation of varied women 's role in American culture.” It was a time where women were actively searching for more “literary” ways of self expression” (Reynolds 25). Dickinson was able to express her ideas and beliefs as a woman, something that was scandalous during this time period.
Even more so, the poem “I’m Wife”- I’ve Finished That” is written as an annalistic feministic style. Her use of language is focused on her feministic personal experience and outlook during that era. The rhyme scheme in the poem is AABBCCDDEEFF pattern. There is also an abundance use of slant words and dashes. The structure of the poem affects the impact of the poem by the verses ending with full dashes. I 'm "wife" – I 've finished that

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