Theme Of Pigs To Power In Animal Farm

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Pigs to Power The novel Animal Farm, published in 1945, right after the World War II ended, reflects the political problems of that period of time through another perspective where the animals decide to change roles, and do not allow humans to control them. This period covers the last few years of the World War II (1943-1944) in which Russia had a communist government governed by a dictator, Joseph Stalin. In the novel, the pig Napoleon represents Stalin. Stalin created a corrupt society where he robbed the citizens for his own benefits, and the ones that supported him and could help him in some way. Great Britain and France, after seeing his increase in power, started to resent him. According to Moss, “The Soviet leader signed a nonaggression …show more content…

The novel has a similarity with the history of Russia. Knapp affirms that “The novel is built around historical events in the Soviet Union from before the October Revolution to the end of World War II; it does this by using the frame of reference of animals in a farmyard, the Manor Farm, owned by a Mr. Jones” (Knapp). Orwell thinks that in Russia exists a ruthless tyranny which has nothing to do with ideas of Marxist socialism. In Animal Farm, Orwell says, "All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others” (Orwell 112). The novel explains the process of the revolutions, all of them begin with ideas of equality and justice, but when the revolutionaries come to power they become corrupt, and end up being like the previous tyrants. The book coincides with the period in which Joseph Stalin has the power, he took over the Soviet Union and the Communist Party establishes a series of reforms and changing the basis of the revolution. With Stalin, it began the political purge system; Leon Trotsky, democratic communists, and anarchists suffered political persecution, and many of them end in prisons or murdered. Also, Orwell says, "Man is the only creature that consumes without producing” (Orwell 7). Tyrannies result of the attitude of revolutionary leaders, who once they came to power, they acquire privileges over the rest of the population, and settle on a corruption in which the priority consists in to lead a comfortable life without worrying about the rest of

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