Theme Of Loyalty In The Odyssey

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From the time of Homer to modern times, The Odyssey has remained entertaining to all generations. Whether it be for the romance and loyalty between Odysseus and Penelope, or the gory scenes depicted by Homer, the story stands out amongst all other stories for it’s enjoyability. While Odysseus was away, Penelope stayed true to him, and did not remarry or have sexual relations with anyone else, showing the loyalty in her true love for Odysseus. During the Trojan War and during the fight between Odysseus’s men and Polyphemus, gory scenes are depicted, audiences enjoy blood and gore. Odysseus’s determination to get back to Ithaca, and his ways of doing so showed his persistence, a moral would be that hard work eventually pays off. Obviously,there …show more content…

While Odysseus “slept around” on his trip back to Ithaca, he was always thinking of and wanting to be with Penelope. Instead of having sex with other men, Penelope stayed loyal to her husband. In Homer’s The Odyssey, it’s described by Penelope that her bed has not been touched by another man. “No other man has laid eyes on it-only my own slave, Actoris, that my father sent with me as a gift-she kept our door.”(Page 1105, Line 1610) Odysseus was determined to get to his wife and home, and would do anything to get back. This shows Odysseus’ undying love for Penelope. Even when suitors are tempting Penelope. she stays loyal. Clearly, romance is one of the themes in The Odyssey that makes it entertaining throughout the …show more content…

During the escape from Polyphemus, a gory scene played out and is described in The Odyssey. “...that great eye socket while blood ran out around the red-hot bar. Eyelid and lash were seared.”(Page 1056, Line 335) This goes into descriptive detail on the effect of the burning rod on Polyphemus’s eyeball. The fighting in Troy resulted in the gruesome deaths of many men, both Trojan and Greek. King Priam, for example, was killed whilst he was praying. Another part of The Odyssey that described was the attack of Scylla. While going through the narrow canyon, many of Odysseus’s men were attacked and eaten by the incredibly fast Scylla. Definitely, The blood and gore in Homer’s The Odyssey made it appealing to people for many

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