Theme Of Compassion In Tuesdays With Morrie

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Compassion What is one mysterious thing that links everyone together, and makes you want to help others despite skin colours, family backgrounds and social class? It is compassion! We all have given or received compassion. The beauty of compassion is a sublime sense of self-improvement, like a mirror. It is frequently said that people should have compassion. It is not possible to imagine a virtuous man without compassion. Therefore, compassion is a fundamental quality of people. It’s necessary to understand others, help others, and support others. This is the mirror’s function. When my English teacher first introduced Tuesdays with Morrie to me, I wondered how the communication between a young man and an older one becomes the life’s greatest …show more content…

He was kind and compassionate. There are a lot of parts in this book that show compassion between different characters. First, when Morrie watched the nightly news. His heart was filled with compassion towards those civilians on the other side of the world. "I saw people in Bosnia running across the street, getting fired upon, killed, innocent victims… and I just started to cry. I feel their anguish as if it were my own" (Albom 50). Even though he doesn't know what exactly they are going through, he understands what suffering feels, so his heart is with them. He sympathizes with the poor innocent people. The pain of others is Morrie's own pain. Morrie feels compassion for others, others also feel compassion for him. Since actions are bigger than words. Mitch brings it up to the next level. Mitch massages Morrie's ankles to help relieve his pain. "I had volunteered to do it myself. Also, of course, Morrie liked being held and touched. And at this point, anything I could do to make him happy, I was going to do"(Albom 164). He is not a talkative guy like Morrie, so his way of showing compassion is through small actions. Mitch would do everything that makes Morrie feel better and help him to relieve the pain. Mitch links his heart …show more content…

It could be as small as opening the door for someone who is not able to. It could be as huge as taking months of preparation and fundraising. We should all have compassion in our heart, understand another’s feelings or emotions. When I was shopping the other day, I saw a young lady helping an old man in a wheelchair to grab cereals from a shelf. She would gently describe all the boxes on the shelf. Then ask which one he would like. After the old man decided, the young lady grabbed the box and handed over to him. The old man took it over with his trembling hands, and he kept saying. "Thank you.” It was a heart-melting moment. She could have ignored the old man, but because of compassion. She lent a helping hand to him. We help elders to accomplish trivial things, such as opening the door and grabbing things they can’t reach. At the same time toddlers also treat other toddlers with compassion. When my four- year- old cousin’s friend wouldn’t stop crying because her dad was going on a business trip. My cousin tried to use a cookie to distract her attention, then she asked if she wants to play rock paper scissors. My cousin lost the game purposely just to make her friend feel happy. After a while, her friend stopped crying. My cousin’s heart was full of compassion towards her friend, she wants her friend to be happy. We should all have love and compassion for other

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