The World Is Too Much With Us

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Humans were raised differently now from back when Wordsworth was born. All of us were born into work, from our mothers giving birth to us till’ we get put through school. Everything is work whether you go to college or not, work is what helps us survive. Not only is money earned but it is also spent, most of the time on stuff that isn’t a need in everyday life. Like teens for example, they think they need all these name brand clothes these days and pay an outrageous amount for one pair of pants or a shirt. Wordsworth doesn’t agree with that and displays his three messages in his poem; they are getting and spending, no time for the natural world, and machines are more important. In William’s poem The World Is Too Much With Us, the first message that sticks out the most is getting money and then spending it right away. He says in the opening lines, “The world is too much with us; late and soon, Getting and spending (pg.790 lines 1-2).” These lines mean that the world is chaos and humans are being controlled by consumerism. Everybody gets money and has to spend it to be up to date with the latest fashions. Not only clothing but also different kinds of food that isn’t necessary. …show more content…

People are always too busy to care about nature.The have jobs and families to care about rather than paying any respect to mother nature. Wordsworth says, “We lay waste our powers: Little we see in nature that is ours.(pg.790 lines 2-3).” Nobody does anything to help the natural world to stay healthy and treat it as good as it treats

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