The Ways Of Meeting Oppression Summary

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Martin Luther King’s Message In Martin Luther King Jr.’s essay entitled The Ways of Meeting Oppression he argues that the only true way to be free from oppression is to employ non violent means. Martin Luther King Jr. is a civil rights leader who led the civil rights movement in the 1960s and was undoubtedly the leader of that era. His work led to great change in the United States for the betterment of all minorities such as the March on Washington and the Montgomery Bus Boycott. His list of accomplishments is nearly endless. His work describes common methods of dealing with oppression on a societal level. He argues that those that chose to merely accept their circumstances as something ironclad, unable to be shaken from its throne of violations of human rights and disregard for life of fellow man. This mindset merely coagulates the oppression in the mind of future generations rather than dethrone it. The other most common method is through physical violence, which leads to the abused people to be treated even worse once the rebellion is quelled. King's use of rhetorical devices as well as their context in his essay paint a strong argument that the way that the oppressed deal with their …show more content…

uses in his essay is anecdotal evidence. He spins the tale of the Israelites and the ancient Egyptians, and the struggle that the Israelites went through to become freed from their oppressors. By going into detail about the story of the slaves becoming accustomed to their roles as slaves and actually did not mind being enslaved was a calculated anecdote that directly translated to the current situation that he was working so kind of hard to fight. His utilization of this form of rhetorical devices allows him to use the for past and apply it to the future in such as way as to remain relevant. This is just one of for all intents and purposes many great uses that King uses in his excellent yet definitely short

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