The Warn Path Message Essay

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The Phoenix in Your Life (A discussion of 3 messages from The Warn Path by; Eudora Welty) “Hope rises like a phoenix from the ashes of shattered dreams” S.A. Sachs. The short story The Warn Path by; Eudora Welty is a story of hope. In this story a grandmother goes through trials and a rough road to get into town so she can get medicine for her grandson. The grandmother’s name is Phoenix and she has lots of hope. The short story The Warn Path by; Eudora Welty has three main messages. One of the messages from The Warn Path by; Eudora Welty is about sacrifice. You must sacrifice things you want, plans, even your life to safe those you care about. Ryan had a brother in need so he acted on what he knew he could do. “Ryan immediately checked that he was a compatible donor. Discovering that he was, the transplant went ahead… there was risk and Ryan lost his life during the procedure.” (Arrillaga, Pauline) Ryan made the ultimate sacrifice to ensure that his brother could live. Just like Phoenix, she risked everything to save her grandson. Life is full of sacrifices. People …show more content…

This message is respect. The people seeing this old lady walking through the woods and in the hospital are very rude to her. “A charity case I suppose.” (The Warn Path by; Eudora Welty page 854) These people have no clue what Phoenix has been through with all her trails. There is no reason to be rude to people when you have no clue what they have gone through in their life or even that day. There are three main messages in the short story The Warn Path by; Eudora Welty. You need to respect people even if you don’t them, because you have no clue what they have been through. Stay determined and don’t give up easily, if you do life will take you nowhere. Finally, sometimes life calls for sacrifice, you need to be willing to do that for others. Life will be difficult, you just have to fallow these message and they will get you a little

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