The Vulnerability of Weak Passwords

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This lab was to discuss the vulnerability of weak passwords. We were thought how to crack our own passwords using a method called “john the ripper”. We also found out how secure various passwords and how long it would take for a desktop Pc to crack these passwords. We looked up various methods and applications to crack passwords.

Report Part One:

Explain & Preventions

Dictionary Attack =

A technique used to try and find the user’s password by trying hundreds of different possibilities many of these words from the dictionary.

Prevention =

Every time the password is typed in incorrectly the response time increases from the same ip address used.

Brute Force Attack =

A technique that is a trial-and-error method, it generates large quantities of consecutive guesses to try and obtain the users password.

Prevention =

If a hacker fails to login after the third time an account lockout policy can be implemented to prevent further attempts and only an administrator can unlock the account.

Weak Password =

A password that easy to crack by a computer or a human, People can use common passwords with no numerals or special characters and no upper case characters which make this much easier for someone to obtain their passwords or personal data.

Report Part Two:

Description of attack and results

Firstly we created 6 user accounts; Leigh1, Leigh2, Leigh3, Leigh4, Leigh5 and Leigh6 through the client windows operating system in the GUI.

I gave each user account a weak password so it would not take long to crack the passwords.

We then downloaded the file “pwdump7” from and extracted the file to the “C:” drive.

Then we opened the command window and navigated to t...

... middle of paper ... a master password into complex passwords for different websites the user visits. This means your password is never transmitted or stored on any computer which unlike Last Pass is stored but encrypted.

Report Part Four:

Multi Factor Authentication

Windows Azure Multi-Factor Authentication is a way of reducing risk in organizations and helps to provide an extra layer of authentication. It secures user’s account credentials and provides a safe secure login access for customers and employees. Also this authentication can be used in cloud applications.

It ensures security and helps safeguard access to user data and applications while compiling with user demand for a safe and secure sign-in process.

It has a built in Multi-factor authentication phone call and text message method which verifies its users on sign-in or any payment/transaction methods.

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