The Vow: Movie Analysis

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The “Vow” is a movie about a couple who were very much in love and suffer from a fatal car accident which causes one to lose their memory. The other comes from the accident with just a few injuries, once he learns that his wife doesn’t remember him anymore he does everything in his power to try and get her memory back. This movie screenplay was written by Marc Silverstein. The movie starts with Leo and Paige coming out of a movie theater and getting in a car to go home. Rushing to the car because it is freezing cold, it’s the middle of winter in Chicago. They get in the car and began to blow in their hands to warm them up. Paige says “Oh my god its freezing, and I can’t feel my hands” Leo then grabs her hands and starts to blow in them, while …show more content…

Paige before she met Leo was in law school and in a very deep relationship with a guy named Jeremy, she also wasn’t talking to her family at all. So not only does she not remember Leo but she also has no memory of the past year and a half. When Paige is allowed to go home her parents show up and shortly after Leo did. Since he met her when she wasn’t talking to her parents he never met them before, so this is their first encounter with him. They want to take her home but Leo feels she should go home with him since that’s how her life was before the accident. This brings on 2 problems, she doesn’t remember Leo and her parents are trying to use her memory loss as a way to bring her back into the family. Leo starts to lose the argument on who should take her home due to the fact that it would be like going home with a stranger because she doesn’t know him, but he plays a voicemail as proof to her that before she lost her memory of him they did love each other. She makes the final …show more content…

The next scene is the wedding and Leo is standing awkwardly at the bar, then Jeremy, Paige’s ex comes to him hoping to start trouble. Jeremy starts to go on about he was going to have her back and how her lips tasted when they kissed in his office. This sparking Leo throws a punch at Jeremey knocking him down, everyone turns around and Paige looks down and then at Leo with confusion and runs out. This leading to a very emotional part of the movie with the both of them agreeing that their relationship has come to an end with the words of “I wish one day I can love someone as much as you love me” Paige says, Leo replies with “you did it once, you can do it again” then he walks out. A few weeks later it shows Leo signing divorce papers, not wanting to but he knows he has no choice. The movie jumps to a few months later, it snowing outside and its very cold. When the temperature would get like that Leo and Paige would go get hot chocolate, Leo decided to keep it going but by himself. When he gets there he sees that the place is closed, saddened by this he plans on going home. When he turns he sees Paige and they began to talk. She thanks him for accepting her for who she was and not what he wanted her to be. Leo replies with I just wanted you to be happy. Realizing how good he was to her she decides to go get

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