The Vietnam War: The United States During The Cold War

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Cold War Essay Miller High School World History Honors Mr.Dial Alivea Luning 02/12/24. During the 1900s, 41 years of its time was wasted in a conflict between another nation, something we like to call, war. The Cold War was a period of “geopolitical tension marked by competition and confrontation between communist nations led by the Soviet Union and Western democracies including the United States” (N/A, 2023). It was a war that turned society against one another, fighting through the battle of economic systems. However, this war was different from others. There was tension and rivalry, but no fighting. The United States and the Soviet Union went head-to-head battling for capitalism (US) or communism (SU). Some people believe that the Cold War was very “cold”, however, I don’t believe so. …show more content…

After the SU achieved this invasion, President Truman sent the American military into North Korea, but the Korean war only lasted a few short years and then dragged to an end. After both invasions, each nation's army quickly began to stock up on supplies such as weaponry; most being conventional and nuclear weapons. With this being said, both nation’s are now stocked up on every material they just might need to go into war. However, both the US and Soviet Union knew that if they made a move to start war with all their weapons, then the other nation would do the same, potentially leading to another world war. So taking this knowledge into advance, the nations would battle by antagonizing each other through “political maneuvering, military coalitions, espionage, propaganda, arms buildup, economic aid, and proxy wars between other nations” (N/A, N/D). This goes to show just how intelligent the nations were, and how many lives they saved from being so. During the Cold War, the policy called “containment” came in handy for the US, making a drastic turn during the

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