The Velociraptor Outbreak In Michael Crichton's Jurassic Park

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The concluding scene of Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton, is very important because it resolves the major conflict of the Velociraptor outbreak. Most of the tourists that had visited Jurassic Park have died, there are only a few left. Alan Grant, a middle-aged paleontologist, is one of the survivors and has the daunting task of going toe-to-toe with three escaped Velociraptors when he is separated from his group. With a lawyer and two kids locked in the control room, Grant had the responsibility of getting them out of there. This task is depicted with this quote, “There was no door to the control room beyond. Gennaro and the kids were trapped in there. It was up to him now” (352). Grant successfully eliminates the vicious dinosaurs by poisoning …show more content…

With the help of Tim, the grandson of the creator of Jurassic Park, they were successful in turning the main power back on. Tim saves the crew by turning on the power in this quote, “They could see that the raptors were caught between the bars, writhing and screaming in a hot cascade of sparks while Muldoon and the others cheered” (360). Without the power, they would have died because the electric bars would not have activated, repelling the merciless dinosaurs. If they didn’t send the ship back, the Velociraptors would be released into the mainland and wreak havoc on all the civilians. Grant shows his urgency to contact the ship by saying, “They had just a little more than an hour to contact the ship before it reached the mainland” (294). This shows that they needed to send the message as soon as possible and if they didn’t, there would be a dinosauric crisis back at home. All in all, what we can learn from this book is that if you are faced with a responsibility or a task, you need to try to complete it. If you fail to attempt it, it could result in a loss of trust, or even negatively affect

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