The Use of Ecstasy at Raves

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The Use of Ecstasy at Raves

I waited in line for nearly an hour and a half. I finally reached the entrance and I was asked to raise my arms, while I was patted down and my pockets, socks and cigarettes were checked. I felt like I was about to meet the President, with the intense security. As I finally entered the club, the suspense began to rise. This was my first time at a rave party. I looked around and saw people dressed in colorful, bright clothing, holding glow sticks and bottles of water. The music was incredible: loud, energetic and throbbing with bass. The party was called "Adrenaline," and lasted until 8:00 a.m. People were dancing all around and the place was packed. It was extremely difficult to make a trip to the bathroom or attempt to buy a drink. My friends and I decided to check out the place before began our journey into the rave scene. Every room had a different D.J., which made this party particularly diverse. As we are walking through, at least ten different people, all males, asked me if I was looking for any pills. My answer was no, for all of the above, but to my amazement these people never gave up. I couldn't believe the risk the "ravers" were taking to make some cash. My curiosity began to get the best of me…. I am looking around and everyone is completely happy, smiling, hugging, kissing- it was unbelievable the amount of content in a club filled with about 5,000 plus people. I wanted to be apart of this trend and know the happiness that they knew. At one point a girl approached me, wearing a pink wig, bunny ears, tons of creative makeup and an outfit that was colorful and bright. I asked her if she was on "E" and she nodded without hesitation. I asked her, " How do you feel?...

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...ll the effects of MDMA on the human body. Still, rave enthusiasts claim that raves are still about the music and the dancing and that drugs aren't the driven force. Music or medication, the rave trend doesn't seem to be losing any steam and could go strongly throughout the millennium.


1.) Cloud, John. "The Lure of Ecstasy." Time 5 June 2000: 27

2.) "E for Ecstasy" by Nicholas Saunders.

3.) "Ecstasy" by Norman Swan.

4.) Farley, Christopher John. "Rave New World." 5 June 2000: 34

5.) Randall, T. "Rave" scene, ecstasy use, leap Atlantic. Journal of the American Medical Association. 268: 1507 (1992)b.

6.) "The History of Ecstasy" by Karen Long.

7.) "The History of E."

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