The Pros And Cons Of GMO

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Since their introduction, the use of GMO 's has always been controversial. Although several studies have demonstrated the safety and the need to introduce in our diet these types of foods, there are still many doubts about this kind of agriculture. Some countries have adopted restrictions against these products, while others were more open to their use. Anyway there are a lot of contradictory ideas about the harmfulness or not of GMO 's. What man can do is take the side more convenient and safe. it is clear that a large agricultural industry prefer to cultivate a product that requires little attention and does not involve big expenses. it is logical that it will line up on the side of evolution, the convenience to cultivate more products in less time and at lower cost. This is the economy of the twenty-first century, which has destroyed the ideology of eating healthy and safe. The culprit of this mass suicide is the money, and as consequence there is an increase in cases of cancer and allergies, became very …show more content…

One of the questions that most concern the scientific community is to understand whether the introduction of proteins, or vitamins, in foods that do not normally contain them, can trigger serious allergic reactions in humans predisposed. As specified in the article by Keith R. Schneider, Renee Goodrich Schneider, and Susanna Richardson "Genetically Modified Food", today there is a precise process of production of GMO 's, which specifically requires to not use any form of allergen, but if there are not enough evidence to prove that, it is mandatory to use labels informing consumers of the possible

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