The Unnatural Causes: Collateral Damage Summary

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The Unnatural Causes: Collateral damage video directed by Stange (2008), explains how the U.S. military has contributed to the disruption of the Marshallese culture, life, and overall good health. The army base Kwajalein and the island of Ebeye are only three miles apart and are living in completely different worlds. The Marshallese people living in Ebeye suffer from high rates of Tuberculosis (TB), poverty, and crowding. The Marshallese people are also suffering from high rates of chronic diseases. The video lastly explains the everlasting impact that the U.S. military has inflicted on Marshallese people through dislocation. According to the video the U.S. Army was using the Marshallese islands as a testing sites for hydrogen bombs and a miscalculated …show more content…

Kroeker explains that the contrast between the two islands is shockingly unequal (Unnatural Causes: Collateral damage, 2008). The video further explains how the Marshallese people have higher cases of TB, infant mortality rates, diabetes, and a shorter life span than the U.S. population. The narrator in the video states that Ebeye suffers from conditions of poverty that include crowding of homes, malnutrition, water shortages, and power outages(Unnatural Causes: Collateral damage, 2008).Furthermore, Doctor Neal Palafox explains that poverty contributes to feelings of loss of control over one’s life due to poor environmental factors. Palafox also explains that living in impoverished areas contribute to weak immune systems making it easy to acquire diseases and infections. Also, TB program coordinator Rihna James explains that Marshallese living in Ebeye lack the resources to seek medical care and the program that she works with helps deliver necessary medication for TB treatment in order to avoid TB from spreading. James also explains how the crowding factor in Ebeye makes it the perfect environment to spread infections and diseases (Unnatural Causes: Collateral damage,

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