The Undercover Parent's Right To Privacy

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Rights To Privacy
Ever since the internet became a thing in our everyday life parents have been conflicted between allowing their children privacy on the internet or invading that privacy to keep them safe. Parents have the right to monitor their children's activity online because kids don't understand the difference between danger and innocent websites and people and to keep them safe from them.

There have been many cases of kids being targeted by bad people on the internet. This was stated in the article “We’ve all read about the young boy unknowingly conversing with a pedophile” (Par 8, Harlen) this shows us that in the past children have had unknowingly conversed with pedophiles. If a pedophile can easily get to an unprotected child on the internet why would you allow them, if a parent installs a spyware they can keep their child safe from the bad people on the internet keeping them safe and pure. There's another example of horrible things happening to children who are …show more content…

For example in the article titled “The Undercover Parent,” it states that “Your reading your teenagers every thought.” (Par 10, Harlen) However the fact still remains that Parents need to know thing that are happening to protect there children from the bad things on the internet. Some people may also argue that Children aren't going onto the sites with bad things on them because they don't know about them. As common as this statement is and the hundreds of times I heard it from trusting parents as I worked at the Boys and Girls Club it can be easily dismissed by one simple quote from the article. “It is far easier for a predator to troll chatrooms and MySpace and Facebook.” (Par 10, Harlen) so even of your kids aren't on sketchy or dangerous websites almost any form of social media can take a turn for the worst for the safety of the children using

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